To begin, we will need to install Homebrew. This post will show new macOS users with a Linux background how to switch to using GNU Compiler Collection instead of the Clang compiler, and benefit from the familiarity and additional features of GCC. As I joined Atomic Object, I began to use a MacBook Pro, and quickly realized I wish I had the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) that I was familiar with from school, instead of Clang (the default macOS C/C++ compiler). That meant I spent much of my time writing C and C++ programs in a Linux environment before my professional career.

Given that some of my computer science courses graded our programs on lab machines that ran a Linux distribution, I soon installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot on my laptop to gain more familiarity and experience with the operating system. Because I was most comfortable with Windows machines, upon entering university I was gifted a Windows laptop by my parents.